20 December 2008

An Award

Laura at http://laurakaysplace.blogspot.com nominated my blog for The Marie Antoinette A Real Person A Real Award. WOW Thanks sooo much Laura.I feel really honoured and well proud to receive it.

Here are the rules for this award . . .1. Please put the logo on your blog. 2. Place a link to the person from whom you received the award. 3. Nominate at least 7 or more blogs. 4. Put the links of those blogs on your blog. 5. Leave a message on their blogs to tell them.
My nominations are:
1. Annette at http://goannafive.blogspot.com/
2. Maddy at http://madimaginations.blogspot.com/
3. Sharon at http://www.mystoryart.com/
4. Mel at http://melstampz.blogspot.com
5. Debi at http://justmeandmyrubberstamps.blogspot.com/
6. Karen at http://karensaltereddreamz.blogspot.com/
7. Chris at http://visualdesignsbychris.blogspot.com/


maddy hill said...

Thank you Wendy for thinking of me xxxxx
and congratulations on yours xxx
i will try and blog it at the end of the week x
love maddy

Anonymous said...

Thanks Wendy for the honor!! I will post to my blog soon about this award! I appreciate the nomination and thank you for picking me. Congratulations on being nominated too!


Hi Wendy
i'm late catching up but just had a few hours spare so here I am to say thanks for the award..I just had a peek thru your blog...love your abstract drawings!